Yelling at Cats

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Technology, Work and Moving Forward

We have spent thousands of years developing technology to make our lives easier and now that we're at a point that it can make our lives easier, happier and more creative, we insist on thinking that struggling is cool, keeping to a backward notion of work and employment and "industry", while all it would take is for smart people to arrange things so that everyone leads a good life with the means we've developed so far.It is amazing to me how absurd the set up is now, that we keep to it even though it goes against everything we've been trying to do throughout human history. We still have it stuck in our heads that we are struggling in the wilderness and must "work hard" and overcome, instead of realizing that all that work to build up a technology so that we don't have to struggle has arrived and we can stop acting like cavemen.

Abby Martin

Abby Clark

Christina Aguilera

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Candice Swanepoel

Nudity Probable

Tribal Group in the Amazon

I stumbled on this bit from a documentary on a tribe in the Amazon and found it interesting. They still live off the Earth and live a simple life. Not what I want by any means but it's interesting to witness.