Yelling at Cats

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Political Spectrum

I don't really care that much for the political Left or Right. I lean Left because I don't agree with the economic system at all, not even slightly; I think it's wrong from top to bottom and inside and out. But as far as all the dumb ideologies and identities on the political spectrum from Left to Right, to me it's all bullshit; and as I've stated before, particularly identity politics: But also the Right's clinging to old "values" connected to the economic system like working hard (like a slave) and judging people's worth according to how much they work (as a slave), and then in turn giving them nothing but crumbs, is nonsense to me. And the religious stuff from the Right is just completely off my radar - I don't even bother addressing that stuff for the most part, or anything of a traditionalist nature. I don't see the point of staying stagnant or going backwards, or assigning roles or being a good boy or girl.

Death Throes of Political Dinosaurs

On both the Left and Right, these times represent the throes of death. On the Left, Identity politics is seeing its end, and so its proponents are screaming all the way out. Same for the right with the various backward regressive approaches; while it seems like they're in control, really they represent a dying minority stuck in time. Within 10 or 20 years, or less, we will see the end of both extraneous approaches and will finally get down to a good society or begin to do so.

One would have to consider the South when it was first being desegregated. 

Liberals and Conservatives

I don't agree with the regressive approach of Conservatism, but I don't at all like the pretentious, controlling, alienating behavior of the average Liberal. In fact, that repressive alienating behavior is what drove many people to abandon them and go for someone like Trump. I'm sure none of them will learn their lesson at the end of all this, considering some of the weak-kneed Clinton Democrats are actually blaming Bernie for Trump's win and not their corrupt queen and the horrid DNC.


I'll never understand the complaints about millennials that go around these days. I remember about 10 years ago I used to hang out with a group of young people and I was astounded at the complete 180 in attitude they had compared to my generation and generations before me. I mean, I heard none of the bigoted nonsense, I was treated like a normal person and finally felt comfortable hanging out with a group of people. It was almost like all of a sudden everyone was thinking like me. So, I have none of that negative attitude towards millennials that some people have these days. I'm just thinking, Thank God this younger generation exists, who are accustomed to a more inclusive atmosphere and a more understanding approach.