Yelling at Cats

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Particular in Politics

One of the problems with identity politics is that it makes things particular; therefore, according to their approach, what happens to one group does not happen to everyone. Not only is this false, but it alienates everyone.

One clear example of this is the issue of "slut-shaming". The assumption is that only women are shamed for their sexuality, which totally ignores the fact that men are called dogs, pigs and creeps, all because of their sexuality. You might want to find an excuse this abuse of men and shaming them for their sexuality, but it is in fact the same kind of shaming.

Also, the assumption in much of the feminist approaches is that only women are shamed at all. Women, they will say, are expected to look a certain way, etc. The claim is that men have no equivalent shame. Except that, men are expected to perform, be successful, be capable, and a man who is not is considered a wimp, worthless, a loser.

So, again, what happens to one happens to all. Saying otherwise is divisive, alienating and offensive.

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